Information about diabetes: ideas and practices is wrong!

Information about diabetes: ideas and practices is wrong!

Committed many diabetics eating practices resulting from erroneous ideas and information effectively may affect the progress and development of their illness or relieving symptoms and live with it, diabetes actually begins with attention and those around them in small steps, which may actually make a big difference in their lives and co-existence with the disease.

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day interested in medical stress repeatedly that proper nutrition and sound already demonstrated impact on controlling the disease and alleviate symptoms. In this we include some of these wrong ideas and nutritional habits and the increasing awareness around and modify:

Information about diabetes: and correct errors
Increased eating sugar cause diabetes
This one is more misinformation about diabetes among people in our society where they believe dwell many carbohydrates, especially simple ones walshoklath may be the direct cause of the rise in blood sugar so they had diabetes, and of course this information wrong scientific causes diabetes susceptibility vary and many are geared towards the human body to infection from person to person, genetics and psychological factors and increased weight and lifestyle and dietary practices and health problems which may be one of the factors that play a big role in human infection with diabetes, may be The correct reason possible to interpret a link or spread this idea about diabetes, carbohydrates, origin that frequent eating sugars and carbohydrates rich in calories and idle life style may be due to obesity and that have a significant role in diabetes.

Abstaining from food and reduce the number of meals may lead to Glycemic Control and lack of height
This is one of the serious errors committed by diabetics to right himself and emanating from an error in understanding some information on diabetes, deprived himself of food is not the solution to control diabetes and prevent high blood, usually find that the first reaction of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes they have as a sort of punishment, which has backfiring on the body and may constitute a danger to human health. Research has shown the importance that permeates many divided meals a day along the day and lower than normal size and calculated calorie with exercise regularly, and that will have a major role in controlling blood sugar levels within the normal range, even though attendance breakfast especially since an early age proved their effective role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and obesity. As the major risk lies in the refrain from eating any meals with a sudden drop in blood sugar, which may lead to coma may be more dangerous to the patient.
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